Thursday, August 1, 2024




The West is currently greatly pre-occupied with elections of importance, some have already happened and throw up tricky issues, others are yet to come and fill us with foreboding. Our democratic systems demand regular elections but briefly we envy the tyrants and dictators who dispense with or rigidly control such events, as the campaigns surrounding democratic elections are ugly, destabilising and often feed our dangerous self-delusions.

Phizz’depiction of the Eatonswill election for Dickens’ Pickwick Papers (1836)

Dickens satirised these events but did not greatly exaggerate noisy electoral turmoil. Just go this week to a Tommy Robinson demo in scruffy old London, a Donald Trump rally in rust-belt America or a Jean-Luc Melenchon manifestation in deprived Paris and you will certainly see some nasty-looking characters. These characters need to be kept at a great distance from government. As ever:

The best lack all conviction, and the worst are filled with passionate intensity (W B Yeats).

The Western democracies are often saddled with cock-eyed voting systems.

Thus, In the UK the revered first-past-the- post system over-rewards the strongest party and marginalises also-rans.

Party           Candidates   Votes         Vote share         Seats

 Labour             631         9,708,716       33.70%            411

 Conservative    635         6,828,925       23.70%           121

 Reform UK      609         4,117,610       14.29%               5

 LibDems          630         3,519,143       12.22%             72

Green Party     574        1,842,436          6.40%                4

 SNP                      57             724,758         2.52%            9

 Sinn Féin           14             210,891          0.73%              7

Reform split the vote on the Right and let in Labour many times. The LibDems concentrated their fire-power and prospered mightily. Labour’s vote share was unimpressive but delivered a stunning victory. Reform’s vote was too thinly spread to translate into seat wins. Regional anomalies abound.

In France, the system is a form of proportional representation, which is fairer, but there is so much fragmentation that fanciful coalitions become established. Thus, France Unbowed, a far-Left coalition, has come out as the largest grouping, after Macron foolishly called a snap election after the populist Right FN, under Marine Le Pen, won the highest vote in the European elections. France Unbowed led by crackpot veteran Jean-Luc Melenchon is now the largest group in the Assembly. Among Melenchon’s policy gems are a 100% income tax on salaries over Eur 360,000pa, strong support for Hamas, anti-Zionism and support for the reunification of Belgian Wallonia with France! This grouping’s sole purpose is to frustrate the Right – a perilous road towards civil war. Macron is drunk with Napoleonic fantasies and metropolitan France is beset by decadence as the Olympic Opening Ceremony sadly demonstrated. A malodorous Gallic stew!




                                                                    Marine Le Pen

                                                     But all this is of nothing compared to the mess in the USA!

 First the US election is an interminable torture starting in mid-2023, at last voting wearily in November 2024 but not actually inaugurating a new President until January 2025! The hot air generated is truly Herculean, but the likely candidates are unworthy of all the trouble they create.

 The front runner is shop-soiled ex-President Donald Trump, of whom the outside world is heartily sick, but who commands the Republican support of prosperous, but not mega-rich, professionals and hayseed proles dazzled by the rhetoric of MAGA jingoism. He pretends his record is wonderful, but he alienated NATO, failed to solve any international problem and appeased Russia (Putin no doubt has some dirt or financial lever on him). Trump has no original thoughts, his speeches ramble on (I 1/2 hours at last count) with endless self-congratulation and now childish mocking of Kamala’s’ name. By good fortune he dodged lawsuits and an assassin’s bullet, but he remains a convicted felon, a blowhard and an ignorant oik. Yet he may well win.

The Democrats were hobbled with the incumbent Joe Biden, a third-rate stopgap at best and embarrassingly senile and gaga for many long months. Finally forced to stand down from the election, in his vanity Biden stays on as President for 5 more months, babbling about his love of Ireland and dislike of Britain. He could not run a whelk-stall, yet Americans trust him with their nuclear codes. God help us!


                    Joe Biden  and  Kamala Harris


                                                                           Donald Trump

He has nominated as his successor his vice-President Kamala Harris, who was not popular as she embodies Californian Wokery – championing sexual diversity, soft on drug offences, border security and prison sentencing. But she is not Biden and is female and black, so she appeals to a certain constituency. Even so, I think she is only a long shot for the winner’s laurels.

So, elections are a lottery, electorates are fickle, and we are addicted to their use.




Text copyright © Sidney Donald 2024