Saturday, October 12, 2013


It will not have escaped my readers’ notice that our path through Life is not, alas, ever onwards and upwards to sunlit peaks.  We do stumble and experience set-backs but the great trick is to take all these things in our stride. Nil desperandum, taught the Romans, or Always look on the Bright Side of Life, if you prefer, a rule I try to observe bravely when clouds gather.

Of course many disappointments are quite trivial. All visitors to Copenhagen want to see The Little Mermaid, the statue on a rock in honour of Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale. I would give it a miss. It is only 4ft high and you could easily trip over it. It is decidedly unimpressive and schmaltzy.

Copenhagen's Little Mermaid

Britain is not without her sites which fail to meet expectations. Who, other than a Druid, can really enjoy much-hyped Stonehenge, that survivor from 3000 BC, dismal undressed stones in wind-swept Wiltshire? Let UNESCO call it a World Heritage Site, I give it nul points. Another let-down was The London Planetarium, mercifully now closed, where I was dragged as a youngster to appreciate (yawn, yawn) the Sky at Night.

Before the French get a fit of cynical Froggie giggles, I contend that Paris has two world class let-downs. The first is The Eiffel Tower, a hideous erection, all rusty 19th century old iron and wholly incongruous as it horribly dominates the otherwise lovely city. Guy de Maupassant was surely right to eat lunch daily in the restaurant there, as it was the only place in Paris without a view of the wretched Tower! My second Parisian disappointment is, of course, The Mona Lisa, hanging limply in the Louvre, certainly the most over-rated picture in the world, depicting a very plump, unexciting woman, her crooked enigmatic smile raking in the euros. There are a hundred better pictures in the Louvre, Signore da Vinci!

Let me turn to human disappointments. In about 1958, aged 16, I was on holiday in Venice during the Film Festival and although the star of the Festival was Jeanne Moreau, there was a celebrity appearance of the idol of the French, sexy Brigitte Bardot. BB was doll-like, blonde that week, and very pretty……..but, she was tiny! I was hugely disappointed as I had fantasized that she of the pert bottom and pouting lips would be able to clamber over me as my young gonads pullulated, but she would have needed a step-ladder. 

Small, if perfectly formed, BB

Absence of stature is often a great turn-off and collusive photographers have to be called on to alter reality. Hollywood had this problem with otherwise splendid Alan Ladd, (he of The Blue Dahlia and Shane) who was a slight 5ft 6in and thus not ideal for tough guy roles; while mega-star Tom Cruise is 5ft 5in, hardy a midget, but another handicap to add to his crackpot views and devotion to Scientology. In Britain, the veteran BBC news-reader Richard Baker had a macho image until he retired in 1982 as only his top half had been visible on TV. His decided shortness was soon revealed to the world when he stepped out briskly into other fields. Most obviously Her Majesty the Queen is a far from regal 5ft 3in, startling evidence that the Queen Victoria gene (she was a truly diminutive 4ft 9in) is still going strong.

In our everyday life there are disappointments galore. We are not appreciated, promoted or fired (with generous compensation) soon enough. Our wives do not understand us and her much-touted soufflé collapses ignominiously. Young people are not inspired by that first kiss or first bonk. Our sly schemes, plots and stratagems become unstuck and we are exposed as the buffoons we are. Even in our pleasures we are let down. Is there anything drearier than watching an international soccer game featuring the English team? (Yes, watching the Scottish team!)

We try to derive solace from the great affairs of state but here too disappointments crowd in. Remember Harold Wilson’s Technological Revolution, Tony Blair’s New Labour or David Cameron’s Big Society joined by the cloud-capped visions of George W Bush and Barack Obama? We must move on, as these are some of Life’s BIG Disappointments.

Text Copyright ©Sidney Donald 2013

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