It has clearly been a torrid week or so for
Boris’ new Conservative government, reeling under many a set-back, and there
has been much unseemly gloating from the Remain camp. We have been told that
Boris is “a busted flush” and “finished” – but these obsequies are premature –
Boris has plenty of ammunition left in his locker and will bounce back with his
own inimitable brand of populist panache. At last, we have had a
Damascus moment and the scales have fallen from our eyes. The accepted
narrative needs to be utterly overhauled. Boris is not simply a Tory Radical
but he is something far more relevant to our age. Boris is our Freedom Fighter
and our Liberator from Imperialism!
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Boris takes the reins |
Europe has been a target and hotbed for
Imperial ambitions for centuries. The Counter-Reformation Popes planned
religious subjection; Louis XIV thought France must be the dominant power:
Napoleon played the same tune and conquered almost all: Metternich sought to condemn
huge swathes of Europe to Habsburg influence: Bismarck expanded the dark
militaristic aims of Prussia, by defeating the Habsburgs and France. The Great
War destroyed at least 3 Empires and severely wounded 2 others: Nazi Germany
under Hitler held sway over Europe for 5 horrendous years. A later promising
detente between de Gaulle and Adenauer, creating the EEC, then deteriorated
into an Imperialist adventure under Delors and later Juncker – a headlong rush
towards a unitary state in Europe – which Britain had supinely joined and
quickly regretted. Boris wants us to leave (as 52% of voters instructed
Parliament to do in the 2016 referendum) and faces a cocky EU, a recalcitrant
Parliament and a hostile Establishment.
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Merkel and Macron: United in enmity to the UK |
In resisting this array of enemies, Boris joins a select company of British freedom fighters. The legendary figures of Hereward the Wake and Robin Hood are joined by iconic hero Robert the Bruce (remember the spider in his cave – if at first you don’t succeed try, try and try again?) and formidable Oliver Cromwell who made short work of Parliaments who ignore public opinion – “You have sat too long for any good you have been doing lately ... Depart, I say; and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!” Cromwell’s words will resonate with Boris and with the bulk of the UK electorate. Most of all, let us recall Boris’ hero Winston Churchill, who defied the world after Dunkirk, epitomised by Low’s Evening Standard cartoon of 18.06.1940:
The enemies of Brexit now have a slim majority
in Parliament, boosted by many of the 21 Tory MPs and malcontents disciplined
by Boris after they teamed up with the Opposition in backing legislation
outlawing No Deal. They deserved that disciplining – Theresa May gave them far
too much latitude to be disloyal. Britain’s Brexit is not within the gift of
the EU – if Britain wishes to leave and no acceptable deal is offered by the
EU, Britain simply leaves. That was always the likely scenario, if not the
preferred scenario.
The EU is a secretive, anti-democratic and grasping
institution. Why the Remainers persist in their uncritical admiration, despite
all the evidence, beats me as the EU is falling behind its main competitors,
thanks to its inward-looking attitudes and stifling bureaucracy. Many UK
Establishment figures have of course fed well on the EU’s pickings with expat
salary packages, lavish pensions and endless jobs for the boys. Big businesses
hate any change as it needs them to adapt and think, instead of counting their
money. The EU in its crass indifference allows politicians to forget about “those
who barely manage” or “the huddled masses yearning to be free”. Parliament
is even frustrating a general election, which Boris wishes to call (and would
probably win with the Remainers facing meltdown).
Worst of all, Parliament insists that, if no
deal is forthcoming, Boris requests an extension of the Brexit deadline to
after 31 October, vociferously rejected by Boris who said he would rather be
dead in a ditch. It is wholly improper for Parliament to micro-manage
government business and any such law will surely be challenged in the highest
court of the land. The arrogant assertion of the Remainers that Parliament can
dictate to the Executive in such matters is contrary to all conventions, as
Jacob Rees-Mogg eloquently pointed out in defending the government in the
Remainers work hand-in-glove with Brussels and plot a so-called “Government of
National Unity” to supplant Boris. In other words, they seek to install an unelected
Quisling Collaborationist Government on the lines of the Vichy Regime in France
1940-44. Kenneth Clarke, once a good Health Minister and an adequate Chancellor
of the Exchequer, but now a vain 79-year-old, is to be the British Pétain.
Clarke lolls about in his Nottingham redoubt – we all know what happened to the
Sheriff of Nottingham! No doubt slippery
lawyer Dominic Grieve will be cast as his Pierre Laval although historical
analogies are seldom exact.
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Ken Clarke |
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Philippe Petain |
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Dominic Grieve |
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Pierre Laval |
Conservatives are often painted as reactionary but that is a travesty of the
truth. Their domestic progressive achievements are impressive:
Catholic Emancipation Act righted a grievous wrong to a religious minority.
Wellington PM
Repeal of the Corn Laws ended agricultural privilege and enabled cheap food,
Peel PM
Second Reform Act greatly extended the franchise. Disraeli PM
Butler’s Education Act reformed educational provision. Churchill PM
Trades Unions constrained, utilities privatised, City competition opened up.
Thatcher PM
Achieving Brexit will be yet another liberating Conservative triumph. Johnson
we can put Boris’ heroic struggle in an international context. He is our George
Washington, our Simon Bolivar, our Garibaldi, our Nehru, our Deng Xiaoping, our
Nelson Mandela! He can deliver Brexit and then deliver Peace and
Cheers for Boris!!
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Johnson and Mandela, the Peacemakers |
Copyright © Sidney Donald 2019
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