We are
encouraged to look on all people as our brothers or sisters (sorry, I forget
the trans minority), quite a tall order for someone as encrusted in bias as I
am. Much of my bias is unconscious and somehow innate, but I cannot deny its
existence. I get on best with my own kind – anyone else is more of an effort.
This may not be ideal but it is realistic.
The three
great trendy sins of the present time are racism, sexism and ageism – totally
overshadowing the revered usual suspects, nationalism, fascism and communism.
Dragged before a ‘liberal’ kangaroo court, I would certainly be found guilty of
all three sins, if the charges were put baldly, but I would maintain there are
useful and mitigating
Charge No 1 –
I am a racist, probably expressed by the accusing Twitterati as “a filthy
bigoted old racist” for good measure. My response to this heinous charge is to
resort to definitions. You cannot mean I dislike all the races in the world -
nobody’s mind could encompass such a multitude. I will only answer the charge
of being hostile to those UK citizens who are not racially identical to my
particular UK group. True, as a White Scotsman, I find modest fault with the
foibles of White English, Welsh and Northern Irish, but such petty criticisms
fall far short of racism. All these people would be welcome to converse, break
bread, take tea or walk down the prom with me, or even marry my daughter, if I
had one.
waffling, I hear them say. You know what we mean: why are you hostile to black,
brown or Far Eastern Britons? My answer is an indignant rebuttal – I am nothing
of the kind. True, I know very few black, brown or Far Eastern Britons but
those I do know are perfectly civilised and acceptable. (What do you mean “acceptable”?
Who are you to pass judgment, you racist oaf?) Frankly I prefer well educated
Britons with basic good manners, kind hearts and a love of their country. (OMG!
You are an elitist, nationalist racist – you must be “cancelled” forthwith!!!)
I admit to some human bias, but not much more.
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An unbiased Scottish look at the World |
I quickly
skip over the charges of being sexist and ageist. I sympathise with the basic
tenets of Women’s Lib, but I wish its advocates were less strident. I never had
a woman boss in my business career, and probably would not have enjoyed having
one. The talent of many women is extraordinary (viz. Margaret Thatcher) and of
course our gracious and noble Queen is an iconic figure. I have had the good
fortune to be married to a lovely, remarkable and dynamic Greek lady for 51 years
which has proved to me the truth of the observation that our thought processes being
only tangentially related, though their interaction is always warmly cherished!
The sexes are a breed apart. OK, yes, I am a sexist, but a loving one.
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Vive la Difference! |
As for
ageism, it seems to me self-evident that old people are on the whole wiser than
the young. Experience matters and it is usually a dependable guide. Our great leaders
were relatively old; Churchill was first Prime Minister at 66, Adenauer was
Chancellor at 73 and de Gaulle President at 69, Reagan at 70. Mind you, the
exception that proves the rule is probably infantile Donald Trump, currently an
erratic 74. In my book anyone over 60 is the cat’s whiskers (ageist idiot!) So,
I plead guilty of ageism, but who cares in any event
For this
debate between Freedom and Ideology was fought and won by Freedom 3 centuries
ago. The rationalism of Locke, Berkeley and Hume in the English-speaking world,
supplemented by the philosophies of Voltaire, Kant, Hegel and J S Mill
transformed our way of thinking, blossoming into the vibrant schools of
Nietzsche, Bergson, Russell and a hundred others. The intolerance of BLM and
its Marxist forebears stands out like a sore thumb and has nothing positive to
teach us. We act in freedom, we write in freedom and we speak in freedom. We
moderate our language so as not to offend the easily-offended, but the
libertarian principle must hold ultimate sway. In Britain, freedom of speech
within the law, was enacted and embodied in legal precedent; in the USA, it is
enshrined in the First Amendment of the Constitution.
Yet the
ideologues who outlaw selected actions and suppress forbidden thoughts are
among us in the West in force. The Leftist message has been disseminated like a
slow poison to the teaching, acting, media and academic professions and thence
to younger generations throughout our nations. This is where BLM, the LibDems
and Labour get their traction.
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BLM's illegal black power salute Statue in Bristol |
Yet the
forces of Freedom and tolerance are fighting back. The illiberal
culture of once-respected newspapers like The New York Times has been
denounced by one of its leading journalists in her recent resignation letter,
Bari Weiss. An obscure exchange of letters on trans-sexualism escalated when J
K Rowling was denounced by a baying mob of the woke only to trigger a furious
riposte defending free speech from 150 writers including no less than Salman
Rushdie, Noam Chomsky, Gloria Steinem and Margaret Attwood, supported by the
likes of Steven Pinker, Thomas Chatterton Williams and Malcolm Gladwell. In this area, the battle-ground is often the
liberal Liberals versus the illiberal Liberals.
Our freedom
to say what we like inside our own society is a vital asset – we must make
common cause with sensible parties to defend it.
Copyright © Sidney Donald 2020
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