Thursday, March 9, 2023


As I shuffle gingerly down the primrose path of old age, I become easily aerated by the folly of mankind. Of course, all old codgers like me believe the world is rapidly sliding down-hill, but the truth may simply be that our world is sliding away, as inevitably too did the world of our forefathers. While I am a Tory, I believe myself to be an enlightened one, liberal in my social attitudes but firmly conservative in my economic and constitutional principles. I crave for a bright future yet hope against hope that the clock can sometimes be put back on some issues. Like King Canute I try to stem the tides!


            King Canute tries in vain to stem the tides

I would like to share with you a few of those matters which sharply collide with my own world-view:

(1)    Attacks on academic freedom. I utterly deplore a university and teaching establishment which defies 3 centuries of liberal tradition and seeks to silence lectures by, say, Jordan Peterson, condemn (i.e. “cancel”) works by J D Rowland and rewrite works by Roald Dahl and even Dr Seuss. These attacks are usually made in the guise of complaints of racism, homophobia or fascism – wholly bogus, twisted and absurd accusations, driven by an extreme political agenda.


(2)    Sub-standard UK politicians. We have had a dire run of British politicians recently. I was a devotee of Boris Johnson, who was charismatic, but he lost the plot in his later period, failed to deliver, behaved arrogantly and is now not missed. Revelations from the What’s App messages of Matt Hancock are truly alarming, showing how a power-mad minister can treat the electorate (and scientific fact) with breath-taking contempt. Sunak, Gove, Wallace and Rees-Mogg are more to my taste. Very few Labour members give confidence, while the SNP are beyond parody. Nature abhors a vacuum and all manner of manic oddballs now haunt Westminster, supported by a tainted, unfit for purpose, Civil Service.


(3)    The decline of civilisation in the West. The media talk of “culture wars” and while I have long believed Western culture to be infinitely superior to all others, I fear that our defences are being subverted and we have a fight on our hands to repel Russian, Chinese and Asiatic models. Just walk into any UK city centre and you will see feral knife-wielding mobs, drunk and tattooed, revelling in their proletarian ignorance. Their savage music blares out, their TV programmes celebrate gutter ideas and extreme violence. Rampant anarchy can undermine civilisation.


Still, a majority of us in the West know better. We know that truth is an absolute and that there is no such thing as “socialist truth”, “Gary Lineker truth” or even “traditional Tory truth”. We know we have intellectual power, that gives us our potency. We can spot many of the media-sponsored lies. We know that democracy works better than authoritarianism, that the Acropolis sculptures are more beautiful than the Benin bronzes and that Mozart out-classes Ravi Shankar. We cherish our values, so build on them, teach them to the world – may we always have the courage to promote and defend them forever!




Text copyright © Sidney Donald 2023

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