Sunday, May 26, 2024



As I never sleep through the night (a fact of life for the aged!) I am often lying in bed at say 4am and being surprised at how light the day is, as I try to snooze again. Twilight has become moonlight and now dawn is not far away. I am tempted to burst into song with some appropriate ditty – like those listed below – and I invite my kind readers to tune up their tonsils, get whistling and make the window-panes rattle!

1.       It’s Twilight Time by The Platters

Great favourites in the 1950s, the Platters somehow squeezed in as crooning gave way to rock ‘n roll.

2.       Love’s Old Sweet Song (Just a song at Twilight) by John McCormack

A very popular Irish-composed Victorian “parlour song” – I am not normally a fan of John McCormack but his lyric tenor voice is admirable in this 1927 recording.

3.       Moonlight Sonata by Ludwig van Beethoven

A timeless piece, evocative in so many ways to so many people

4.       By the Light of the Silvery Moon sung by Doris Day and Gordon MacRae

A feel-good American classic sung by great stars of the 1950-60s. Dig those perfect teeth!

5.       Au Claire de la Lune

This traditional French nursery song has stuck in my memory ever since it was sung in a House Singing Competition at my Edinburgh school in about 1958. It was sung as a duet and one singer was “Speedy” Young, later a Highlands hotelier! He won!,vid:CynKwMmxhNo,st:0

6.       Claire de Lune by Claude Debussy

Once reckoned the epitome of French music in the good old days when the French were justly proud of their cuisine, wines and cheeses and chic fashions. Less heard now in a world of gilets jaunes, urban terrorism and Anglophobia, alas.

7.       Give me the Moonlight, Give me the Girl by Frankie Vaughan

This was the signature tune of good-natured Frankie Vaughan, never a big star but a stalwart of the variety theatre circuit. Many a teeny-bopper fan screamed in ecstasy!


8.       Welcome, welcome Glorious Morn by Henry Purcell

This Welcome Song by Purcell, welcomes the Dawn and was a birthday ode for Mary II in 1691. It is a typical piece by England’s finest composer.,vid:iSnV6IXBIQ4,st:0


I hope some of this entertains you all this Bank Holiday. Enjoy!




Text Copyright ©Sidney Donald 2024

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