Friday, October 27, 2023


Amid all the horror, trauma and furious controversy of recent weeks, our King Charles III struck the right note in his well-chosen Mansion House speech in the City of London, urging tolerance and moderation everywhere, a familiar theme for the respected British monarchy. We know that much of what he said was platitudinous, but it was sincerely expressed and reassuring in its way, showing that at least Buckingham Palace was not caught up in the present fury and hysteria; we are happy to be reminded of our long-established moral and civilised values. Well said, Your Majesty!


King Charles reassures

Sadly, our world is in a terrible turmoil. The Russian invasion of Ukraine consumes human and material treasure on a huge scale. The surprise and brutal Hamas attack on Israel was actually targeted on innocent civilians and was inspired by blatant, visceral hatred of Jews. Israel will inevitably retaliate with mighty vengeance, causing more civilian deaths and destruction. Hezbollah, Islamic State, various Syrian and Iranian-backed terror groups will add their poison to the mixture. Europe and the West are waking up to the fact that uncontrolled immigration from Asia and Africa simply imports to the streets of London, Paris and New York tribal blood-feuds and religious fanaticism which unbalances the receiving nation. Our politicians should unite to stop this nonsense.

Getting politicians to agree on anything is a hard ask in almost all countries today. The politicians’ dark but useful arts of deal-making and compromise have been lost to ideological “principles” and a polarisation of opinion. The bi-partisan or crossbench approach is labelled as weakness. An MP cannot select the good bits of his opponents’ programme but he must swallow every syllable of his own party’s policy, dross and all. Parliamentary democracies can be slow to make big decisions but debate is vital and party management is an important element. Look at the depressing chaos in the USA, where government business is hamstrung by wafer-thin majorities, Federal funds are regularly blocked and the simple appointment of a House Speaker got totally bogged down. The prospect of a feeble Presidential election in 2024 pitting barely adequate machine politician Joe Biden, now much too old, against obnoxious and ignorant egotist Donald Trump, if he can escape his blizzard of hostile lawsuits, is just too awful to contemplate. One admirable feature of America however is that her national loyalty runs strong and her citizens, white, Hispanic, black and many others, unite in defending it, even in an excess of patriotism to European eyes.

Many multi-national nation states have been torn apart by historic, even tribal, differences. Yugoslavia, once a proud unitary state ruled by dictators, fractured into 7 new countries after bloody civil war. Belgium has Flemish and Walloon communities scarcely on speaking terms. The Czechs and Slovaks chose to separate peacefully and end Czechoslovakia. Spain struggles to suppress Catalan secession and Andalusia is a different world. The Soviet Union could not bind her imposed empire together and collapsed in 1991 into 15 entities. Italy’s prosperous North offends the backward South. In all these countries politicians must be exceptionally nimble to head off trouble.

Even the United Kingdom, embracing devolution perhaps too enthusiastically, is troubled by nationalist agitators seeking to deepen the historic fault lines between English, Welsh, Scottish and Northern Irish. Their influence is currently on the wane while happily the old adage Unity is Strength holds good and most of us rejoice in our British identity first and our home nation identity second.

        Liberty leading the People by Delacroix

Instability is an enemy of progress. China is a great power and the domination of the Han Chinese gives it strength. India is perhaps less stable, with many historic divisions, and the promotion of Hindu nationalism by Modi seems to be a mistake. The Muslim world is notoriously fissiparous, ranging from Türkiye with its Kurdish minority, violent Iraq, multi-faith Lebanon with Sunni, Shia, Maronite and Druze ever-contending, and Palestine under the baleful influence of Hamas and Fatah, not to mention the sinister theocracy of Iran.

Yet all societies are dynamic and static conservatism cannot endure forever. Aspirational idealism must find a lawful channel to express itself as bottling it up simply makes the eventual eruption more violent. Politicians of vision, if we can find them, can lead all our nations to a secure, satisfying and fraternal future.




Text Copyright © Sidney Donald 2023

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