Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Well, it was quite a European weekend, wasn’t it, with the political landscape transformed in the UK, France, Denmark, Hungary and Greece and much upset elsewhere. The electorate bothering to vote sent Brussels a loud raspberry and gave their respective fat-cat political “elites” a kicking they long deserved and a clear instruction to reform Europe or else withdraw from it post haste.

The UK was a great show; Nigel Farage and his UKIP ran rings around the established big 3 parties. UKIP is a shambolic mixture but at least its members are normal human beings not some laboratory- created or programmed clones from Head Office. For the Lib Dems, Nick Clegg epitomised the metrosexual arrogance of his type, was slaughtered in debate by personable Farage and will now spiral away into political oblivion. Ed Miliband has always seemed a trifle weird, but his feeble campaign underlined his out-of-touch weirdness to a T and his attempt to eat a bacon butty with nonchalance was a pathetic comic moment to savour.

Ed Miliband's Bacon Buttty Waterloo

Nigel Farage: Hero of the Hour

David Cameron was all sincerity and nebulous promises of “getting tough” with Europe. He was not believed: his leisurely timetable for renegotiation and 2017 referendum deepens the suspicion that he is as “tough” as a powder-puff. “Trust me, I get it” is no substitute for action; he needs to get off his Old Etonian backside and start re-negotiating the UK’s relationship with Europe now. He is required to produce some passion, some vision and some inspiration. He is after all the leader of a great nation which has a distinguished history of independence to support him. 

Cameron should immediately select a Minister for Europe, just as MacMillan did with Heath. This time round he should appoint a seasoned Eurosceptic with fire in the belly – Michael Gove or Theresa May spring to mind – who can master a brief, take on formidable vested interests (as respectively the teachers and the police were taken on) and work over the fanatical federalists of the EU. The UK wants a sustainable associate status in Europe centred on trade and services and will not submit to supra-national institutions nor intrusive rules dreamt up by Brussels bureaucrats. If there is no deal, we walk away. If Cameron goes down this route, judiciously making an electoral pact with UKIP and soon dropping the Lib Dems, he will prick the bubble of Scottish defection, win the 2015 election outright and lead the dynamic UK into luscious new pastures.

Marine Le Pen, the new Joan of Arc

The shock of the weekend was the rampaging success of the Front National in France, wiping the floor with the Gaullists and with Hollande’s Socialists, so recently the toast of Paris. Marine Le Pen’s father was an extremist but Marine has sanitised her party and, once treated like lepers, the FN polled higher than any others. It is now at the centre of French politics, amazingly advocating withdrawal from the EU and insisting on priority being given to French people within France – not unreasonably to any but a Brussels mind-set. Belatedly Sarkozy is now saying the right things about EU reform and maybe his discredited but experienced voice will be heard too.

The Right caused havoc in Denmark and Hungary while the odd man out was Greece where the insurgency came from the hard Left SYRIZA led by youthful and honest Alexis Tsipras. His party topped the European poll but not quite decisively enough to eliminate the tottering PASOK of Venizelos nor cripple the blithely pro-austerity New Democracy of Prime Minister Samaras. The coalition of these two, Venizelos and Samaras, has created a government containing ripe characters you might more expect to see during visiting hours at Armley Jail. Tsipras will have his work cut out to depose this regime which will hold on to power like grim death.

Alexis Tsipras

Samaras and Venizelos

The precise direction of European politics in the coming months is hard to predict. But last weekend was a moment to treasure. The Establishment in leading countries, smug beyond words, exploiters of their own citizens, weak towards overt enemies and subsidised by ruthless financiers, received a drubbing they will never forget. Do not let this opportunity pass by – strike while the iron is hot and free us from our EU shackles!

Text Copyright © Sidney Donald 2014

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